@article{oai:rku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003511, author = {荒川, 崇 and 山田, 睦雄 and 岩佐, 英明 and 上原, 陵 and 森本, 晃司 and 漆畑, 俊哉 and 宮崎, 知美 and 内山, 達二 and 松尾, 勝博 and 黒岩, 純 and 伊藤, 武 and 大中, 哲宏 and 黒須, 雅弘 and 上野, 裕一 and アラカワ, タカシ and ヤマダ, ムツオ and イワサ, ヒデアキ and ウエハラ, リョウ and モリモト, コウジ and ウルシハタ, トシヤ and ミヤザキ, トモミ and ウチヤマ, タツジ and マツオ, カツヒロ and クロイワ, ジュン and イトウ, タケシ and オオナカ, テツヒロ and クロス, マサヒロ and ウエノ, ユウイチ}, journal = {流通経済大学スポーツ健康科学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), This report is the tendency and the content about injury that occurred at Ryutsukeizai University rugby football club in season of 2007. We investigated that 1) received injury situation and contents, 2) in the received injury situation, investigated the time, type of activity, and opportunity. In the contents of received injury, the name of diagnosis, part of received injury, and grade of symptom were investigated. Results of this investigation were summarized as follows; 1. There were a lot of received injuries in May at the time. 2. There were a lot of received injuries at game in the type of activity. 3. There were a lot of received injuries by contact play. Especially tackled situation in the opportunity. 4. There were a lot of head injuries in the part. The concussion is the most of head injury. However, the grade of symptom was low. These findings suggested that a lot of received injury in the tackled situation. Therefore, It would be necessary for improvement the body balance, flexibility and core-strength.}, pages = {137--147}, title = {流通経済大学ラグビー部における2007年度外傷報告}, volume = {1}, year = {2008} }