@article{oai:rku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003522, author = {小峯, 力 and 風間, 隆宏 and コミネ, ツトム and カザマ, タカヒロ}, journal = {流通経済大学スポーツ健康科学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), Recently, bathing beach is used as a place for ocean education and sports. It is important to pay attention to some measures of safety to do it, because a bathing beach is under natural environment. Moreover the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami took a heavy toll of lives among beach users. Accordingly, we have to recognize the absolute necessity of countermeasures against Tsunami. The purpose of this study is to examine present problems in risk management of ocean education and sports, especially we focus our concentration on countermeasures against Tsunami. As a result, it is clear that countermeasures against Tsunami on bathing beach are not enough. Therefore we suggest that a leader of ocean education and sports should consider countermeasures against Tsunami. In addition we point out that it is necessary to know the situation of the coast enough to think risk management of ocean education and sports.}, pages = {29--38}, title = {海洋教育・スポーツにおける安全管理対策 : 津波対策に着目して}, volume = {2}, year = {2009} }